Zonta e-Club of New York 1 Membership
Easy, flexible, and adaptable to your personal & professional life

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Our e-Club Members

We are a virtual e-club of individuals committed to using their knowledge, skills, and contacts to further the mission of Zonta International and support District 2 and its clubs. Membership is open outside the geographical area of District 2. We invite young professionals as well as seasoned and retired professionals to join as we: “Build a Better World for Women and Girls” We welcome members of any gender identity and value the contributions of members of all backgrounds, regardless of age, ethnicity, race, color, ability, religion, socio-economic status, culture, sexual orientation, or gender identity. We believe that a diverse community of members is essential to our ability to achieve our mission to create a more equitable future. Our members reside in many different states and are connected in our commitment to the mission of Zonta.

Our Opportunities

Limited only by the desire and willingness to step into a role. Just want to be a “helper” member? That’s fine. Want to chair a committee or be an officer? In your e-Club? At District 2? Perhaps at International? Go for it! Want to stay in contact with District 2 friends at District events? How about attending the biennial convention at exciting places around the world and meet other Zontians from across the globe?

Our Local Community Support

A key feature of all Zonta Clubs is supporting the mission of Zonta International in one’s local community. Because we will be a virtual club, we have the opportunity to explore how we define our Local Community Support. Ideally, this support is adaptable to the talents, interests, and locations of e-club members. We encourage members to invite their friends, family, and associates to join the club to further support to women and girls in their local community. We offer scholarship opportunities at the Club, District, and International.

Our Fundraising

A crucial element in any club’s fundraising is the support it provides to both Zonta International programs as well as local club programs. We support the Zonta International Foundation for Women with 1/3 of our club fundraising support. The remaining 2/3 stays for local community support. As a virtual club, we are creative in how our fundraising occurs. It could be grant-writing, on-line fundraising, virtual event fundraising, or anything else the club members can think of as they investigate possibilities. We have done virtual 5K Walks for Women, and accepted donations for webinar programs. Want to support the e-Club and the mission of Zonta? Donate here: Go to PayPal.com — Select “Sending to a Friend” eclubny1@zontadistrict2.org