Welcome to

The Zonta e- Club of NY1

The Zonta e-club of NY1 was chartered on April 21, 2021. As an e-Club we have all the rights and privileges of a physical, in-person club except we meet virtually. Enjoy the feeling of knowing you are helping women and girls around the world through partnerships with the United Nations and our own humanitarian projects. Take pride that you will help women locally, within the country you live, and globally. We may not be able to go out in the “field”, but we can financially support women around the world as well as advocate for their needs through our own commitments and Zonta International. Our e-club is a part of District 2 and thus part of all District 2 activities, programs, and events.

We meet monthly through Zoom. Our time together includes a once-a-year business meeting in April, committee work meetings, educational webinars, and fun gatherings. A hybrid (in-person and virtual) meeting will occur in conjunction with a District 2 meeting at least annually.

Our Officers:
Irene Orton, President
Amy Barnes, Vice President
Amy Barnes, Treasurer

For more information contact:
Visit us on Facebook at: