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The Young Women in Public Affairs Award
The Jean M. Coon Humanitarian Award
The Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship
CN is Major Sponsor of the Zonta Club of Montreal Scholarships and Bursaries.
Zonta Club of Montreal Award Summary
The Zonta club of Montreal participates in the annual awards program of Zonta International. It offers two scholarships at the club level, whose winners are eligible for a corresponding award at the district level. These scholarships are The Young Women in Public Affairs Award and The Irene Neerie Community Service Award.
In addition there are five awards that are club specific. There are two bursaries and three scholarships. The bursaries are The Marjorie Smith Bursary in Nursing for nurses to continue their nursing education and The Zonta June Michell Bursary for Continuing Education and Training for survivors of domestic violence. The scholarships are The Funnell-Wernecke Award For Maths and Science, The Zonta Montreal Scholarship for Pehli-Kiran Schools in Pakistan and The Zonta Montreal and Rotary Club of Mont Tremblant Scholarship for STEM Subjects. The latter award is co-sponsored with the Rotary Club of Mont Tremblant.
Unless otherwise specified, all applications should be submitted digitally to:
Every November the Zonta Club of Montreal puts on an awards ceremony with an inspirational speaker intended to celebrate the awardees. To see a recording of our November 2021 Awards event please follow the following hyperlink:
Marjorie Smith Bursary in Nursing
This bursary was established through a donation from the employers of a Zonta Club of Montreal-long-time member. It is to be used for nurses wishing to advance their nursing qualifications.
This bursary of CA$1500 is operated in conjunction with the Montreal University Health Services (MUHC) Department of Nursing. The Bursary is advertised in all the MUHC hospitals. The initial application process is through the MUHC. The applicants are short-listed by the MUHC and this short-list is then sent to the Zonta Club of Montreal for final selection.
The winner is invited to the Zonta Club of Montreal Annual Awards Event in November is and is presented with the award.
The Zonta June Michell Bursary for Continuing Education and Training.
This bursary was established in 2020 as a token of respect for June Michell who devoted a good part of her life advocating and working for women who had suffered violence. She poured her energies into raising awareness of this evil that is prevalent in society and endangering the lives of countless women and girls. She passed away in 2019.
In order to honor this courageous and compassionate woman, Zonta club of Montreal decided to establish and offer a bursary that would be made available to survivors of domestic violence, enabling them to improve their lives through further education or training. The Objective of Zonta international is to empower women through all stage of their lives.
Each year a candidate vetted and selected by Women Aware, the organization founded by June Mitchell will be awarded this bursary of $1,000.
Her legacy lives on and her services will not be forgotten by the community she served.
Deadline for application submission is February 12, 2024.
The Young Women in Public Affairs Award
Established in 1990 by Past president Leneen Forde, this award honours young women who demonstrate a commitment to leadership in public policy, participate in public affairs, participate in government and volunteer organizations and have a dedication to the advancement of the status of women.
The Zonta club of Montreal offers one annual award for CA$500. Young women aged 16-19 and living in the Montreal area are eligible to apply. The winning candidate is chosen by two independent judges outside of the Zonta Club of Montreal.
The application of the ZCM winner is forwarded to the District 2 competition where the winner receives US$1,000. Ten International recipients are selected from all District recipients to receive awards of US$4,000 each. The District and International awards are both funded by the Zonta International Foundation.
The award of CA$500 is presented at the school awards ceremony. The award winner and the principal of the winner’s school are invited to the Zonta Club of Montreal Annual Awards Event in November of each year. The District award is presented at the Zonta District 2 seminar or conference in the fall of each year.
Application forms for 2024 will be sent to all the school boards in the Montreal Area in early November 2023.
Deadline for application submission is February 12, 2024.
The Jean M. Coon Humanitarian Award/Irene Neerie Community Service Award
This community service award is named in memory of Irene Nerrie, a Zonta member who was a volunteer par excellence. It recognizes high school juniors or seniors who provide outstanding community service. The winner is judged by two independent judges outside of the Zonta Club of Montreal. The CA$500 award is presented at the school awards ceremony. The award winner and the principal of the winner’s school are invited to the Zonta Club of Montreal Annual Awards event in November.
Each club winner becomes a district finalist and eligible for the District award of US$500.
Application forms for 2024 competition will be sent to all the school boards in the Montreal Area in early November 2023.
Deadline for application submission is February 12, 2024.
Funnell-Wernecke Award for Maths and Science
In 2018 Zonta Montreal established a new scholarship in memory of two very dedicated persons to Zonta’s mission and vision. Margaret Funnell was a long-standing member of Zonta Montreal and Treasurer for many years. Hanns Wernecke, husband of our past president Mickey Wernecke, supported Mickey and all our Zonta events for many years. Both these beloved individuals were science teachers at high school and at CEGEP/university level.
This Funnell-Wernecke Award is for girls in grade 10 or 11 who distinguish themselves in Science and Maths and who wish to pursue a career in one of these fields. It is awarded to two students.
The award of CA$500 is presented at the school awards ceremony. The award winners and the principals of the winners’ schools are invited to the Zonta Club of Montreal Annual Awards Event in November of each year.
Application forms for 2024 competition will be sent to all the highschools in the Montreal Area in early November 2023.
Deadline for application submission is February 12, 2024.
Zonta Montreal and Rotary Club of Mont Tremblant for STEM Subjects
In 2021 the Zonta Club of Montreal together with the Rotary Club of Mont Tremblant announced a new scholarship for young women– The Rotary Club/Zonta Montreal Scholarship for STEM education,. This scholarship of $500 will be offered to a graduating high school senior at Ste Agathe Academy, demonstrating excellence in STEM subjects to motivate and inspire young women to excel in STEM related subjects and consider them for their higher education and career choices. This scholarship will nurture a sense of purpose, empowerment and boost self-confidence in the recipient who will use this as a key to opening doors to a brighter and exciting future.
The award of CA$500 is presented at the school awards ceremony. The award winner and the principal of the winner’s school are invited to the Zonta Club of Montreal Annual Awards Event in November of each year.
Application forms for 2024 competition will be sent to Ste Agathe Academy in early November 2023.
Deadline for application submission is February 12, 2024.
Zonta Montreal Scholarship for Pehli-Kiran Schools
In areas of rural Pakistan, education is not always encouraged for girls. Zonta Montreal awards up to four girls attending Pehli-Kiran Schools with scholarships so they can overcome these challenges and pursue their education. Pehli-Kiran Schools identify top candidates and the Zonta Club of Montreal choose the award recipients.
The total amount awarded is approximately $2000 CAD, however the exact amount is in Pakistan rupees.
The award winner is invited to attend, via Zoom, the Zonta Club of Montreal Annual Awards Event in November of each year.
The Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship
Established in 1998 from a bequest by Jane M Klausman, this scholarship is awarded annually to women pursuing undergraduate or master’s degrees in Business Management. This award is available at local, district and international levels. The award is US$1000 at the District level and US$7000 for each of the 12 winners at the International level.
To be eligible the candidate must be enrolled in a business-related program in at least the second year of an undergraduate program through the final years of a master’s program. The applicant must still be attending school when receiving funds in November.
Scholarship information is distributed to the business schools of the Universities in Montreal.
Amelia Earhart Fellowship
This Zonta International Award of US$10,000 is given annually to 35 women pursuing Ph.D./doctoral degrees in aerospace-related sciences or aerospace-related engineering, with superior academic achievement. Please visit for further information.