Welcome to

The Zonta Club of

Montgomery-Fulton Counties, NY

Zonta International is a worldwide service organization of individuals working together to advance the status of girls and women, with more than 26,000 members in more than 1,100 clubs in 63 countries.

Club members meet monthly on the 2nd Wednesday of September through June, at the Raindancer Restaurant in Amsterdam. Our members are from a variety of professions and come together in focused fellowship to plan projects that benefit our community in the areas of safety, health and education of women, as well as to raise funds to support Zonta International projects.


The club participates in district and international award programs, including Young Women in Public Affairs, the Jean M. Coon Humanitarian Award, the Jane M. Klausman Woman in Business Award as well as a new scholarship, Women in Technology. There are two club scholarships given specifically to graduating high school girls residing in Montgomery and Fulton Counties who are pursuing higher education. If you would like more information about our club, please contact our President at montgomery-fulton@zontadistrict2.org.

Executive Board:
President: Joyce Gorman
Vice President: Cindy Shultz
Treasurer: Ruth Waters
Recording Secretary: Sue Tolson
Directors: TBD

Mailing Address:
P.O Box 118
Polar Plaza
Amsterdam, NY 12010